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  • Writer's pictureAlfredo Luján

Silent Morning Multitasking

So I looked at the videos and read the sidebars "On Multimodal Composing" ( Ok. Everyone has his or her own rhythms, interests, modalities, systems, composition processes. Key words I picked up: toggle, cuando escribo, vibrant sound, black noise, writing, note taking, listening, focusing. Compose, write, cut, blend, remix. And this rhythmic self-reminder-how-to: I move. I write. I move. [I like this ... covers it all.]

My own style: I sleep. I wake (4:00ish a.m.). I press a key to wake my computer too. I pee (TMI, I know). I drink water. I sit. I start typing: homework, writing prose, preparing manuscript, email, text, scribble notes, highlight, annotate.

Tools in front of me: pen, paper, smart phone, camera, charger, Mac, iPad, headphones, spectacles (absolutely necessary), knife, external hard drive (data) , keys, swipe card.

Oral fixation vices in front of me: Pringles, Sprite, Reese's, Coke, Ritz Sour Cream and Onion Toasted Chips [multi-snacks accompany multi-tasks].

Like Sara Alvarez, I do many things cuando escribo ... but I'm not real good at focusing. Like Michael, I have my drugs (caffeine and Clamato -- mornings; bourbon -- evenings). Unlike Caitlin, I don't write forcibly due to chronic and pain ... I feel for her, and I'm thankful for my relative health.

I notice the short video time frames are 2:55, 3:10, 3:11, 1:26 ... short/condenced/concise -- seem important.

Unlike many of the composers in the videos, however, I cannot compose with vibrant sound, tv, podcasts, or music in the background. I prefer golden silence to black, white, or colorful noise. In fact, if I have headphones on, it's for quieting the space around me. Most times, I can only hear my keyboarding, my fridge kicking on, or the clock ticking. If I could have any other external stimulant, it would be a fire crackling in the wood stove.

I do have rhythm too, however: it may seem like I'm stealing or borrowing this from Laura Sceniak Matravers, but, in fact, I invented it: "I move. I write. I move." She must have borrowed it from me.

So what did I learn this silent morning? I learned by trial and error. I moved several images to a folder called "pics for youtube." When I tried to upload them to youtube, the system told me they were the wrong file types. So then I tried creating a photo library project and dragging it to youtube -- no luck. Then I exported it to my Cruz folder, and there it was as an M4V -- the right write file. So I uploaded it. This is my youtube experiment (some random photos, some composition to replicate the writing spaces I witnessed in the videos. I repeat, this is only a test:

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